Portland Business Journal- In-cider Information: The 10 upstarts that sold the most local cider in Oregon (Correction) 3/21/16

The list top 10 local cider makers in oregon.

In-cider information: The 10 upstarts that sold the most local cider in Oregon

While local craft beer continues to grow like mad, local craft cider is leaving it in the dust.

As I reported last week, total beer and cider produced and sold in Oregon has grown about 100 percent over the last decade, but local cider (alone) produced and sold in Oregon has grown more than 60 percent in just the last year according to figures from the Oregon Liquor Control Commission.

The numbers are a little nebulous because beer producers who also make cider don’t report beer and cider separately. But we can track the biggest cider-only makers.

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Outlaw Cider

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